Vomiting (or disgorgement, emesis, puking) Vomiting is a reflex act caused by the stomach muscles, which makes the person, ejects food through the mouth. Many things can induce this condition such as drinking too much alcohol, nausea, food poisoning, and many more. If you want to stop vomiting, here are some ways that you easily can do at home.
Home remedies for Vomiting
* Drink a cup of pure ginger tea, without sugar or honey.
* DonÕt eat heavy solid foods. Load up with fresh fruit and vegetable juices and water.
* Drink cold lime juice three times a day.
* Drink a cup of cinnamon tea by boiling cinnamon sticks in a pot of water for ten minutes. Strain and add honey. Drink this three times a day.
* Lick a lemon by cutting it in half while putting some salt in it. Lick this like candy three times a day.
* Drink a glass of water mixed with one tablespoon of apple cider vinegar every night.