Herpes refers to a viral disease that exhibits itself in the form of skin blisters with excessive saliva production located in the mouth area or sexual organs. It is in fact, an entire family of viruses that cause a variety of diseases both in humans and animals.
Home remedies for Herpes
• Place the residues left from a cup of Turkish coffee on the herpes wounds.
• Avoid exposing the lips to the sun when they are.
• Bathe the wound with 70% alcohol until it disappears.
• Rub some ice cubes on the infected area for immediate relief.
• Combine a cup of olive oil, a cup of lavender oil, and a bit of beeswax in a pot. Let it boil. As soon as it is cold enough to touch, coat the wound and blisters thrice a day.
• Grate a carrot and put it in a clean damp cloth. Put this over to your blisters to alleviate the swelling.
• Combine five drops of bergamot and eucalyptus oil. Apply this to the blisters and wounds all throughout the day.
• Make sure your diet is high in zinc, iron, and vitamins to quickly fight off this virus.
• Dip a tea bag (any kind of tea will do) in warm water and place it over your blisters. Do this process for thirty minutes. Repeat twice daily.