Head Lice
Head lice are external parasites that suck blood from mammals. They have a flat body with no wings. They are known to live and multiply on the scalp, causing severe itching to the concerned person. The following can effectively get rid of this parasites.
Home remedies for Head Lice
• Rosemary oil – rub a few drops on the head every day.
• Use an infusion made from rosemary to wash the hair.
• Extract juice from onion and directly apply this to your hair and head to get rid of head lice. Leave it on for three hours. Wash thoroughly with warm water and shampoo.
• Combine six tablespoons of water and two tablespoons of vinegar. Evenly spread this solution all throughout your scalp. Cover your head with a shower cap or with a clean cloth. Leave it on the whole night. Rinse well the next morning.
• Mix baby oil and vinegar in equal amounts. Soak your hair on this mixture. Leave it for an hour and rinse properly.
• Slice some cold apples and rub it on your scalp. Repeat three times for three days.
• Apply some mayonnaise oil to your head. Keep it overnight. Rinse well.