Basil, is best known as a culinary herb prominently featured in Italian cuisine, and also plays a major role in the Northeast Asian cuisine of Taiwan and the Southeast Asian cuisines of Thailand, Vietnam, Cambodia, and Laos. Depending on the species and cultivar, the leaves may taste somewhat like anise, with a strong, pungent, often sweet smell. Recently, there has been much research into the health benefits conferred by the essential oils found in basil. Scientific studies in vitro have established that compounds in basil oil have potent antioxidant, antiviral, and antimicrobial properties, and potential for use in treating cancer. Basil is traditionally used for supplementary treatment of stress, asthma and diabetes in India. In Siddha medicine, it is used for treating pimples on the face, but noted that intake of the seeds in large quantities is harmful for the brain.
- For abrasions: Use Basil extract directly on the skin and expect to see relief in three days.
- For acidity: To get immediate relief you can chew on some of the leaves.
- For amnesia: Take one teaspoon of the extract of basil, two times a day and expect to see relief in three months.
- For body rash: Apply the extract directly to the rash and expect to see relief in one week
- For chicken pox Take one teaspoon of basil extract, three times a day and expect to see relief in one week.
- For common fever: Place four to five leaves in some boiling water and then add in 1/2 cup of milk, 1 teaspoon of honey and 1/4 teaspoon of ground cardamom. Sip this tea slowly and expect to see relief in six hours.
- For dizziness: Put three to four leaves in some boiling milk and drink this remedy. Expect to see relief from dizziness immediately.
- For hangover: Make a tea of basil, using one cup of boiling water and three leaves or one tablespoon of the dried leaves. Remove from the stove and let the tea sit for 20 minutes and then strain. You can expect to see relief from the symptoms of intoxication immediately.
- For insomnia: Before sleeping, take one teaspoon of the basil extract and expect relief in one week.
- For swollen and painful joints: Take one teaspoon of basil extract, three times a day and expect to see relief in one month.
- For low blood pressure: Crush 10-15 leaves and add them to one teaspoon of basil juice and then mix with one teaspoon of honey. This remedy should be taken on an empty stomach, first thing in the morning. You can expect to see relief from low blood pressure in one month.
- For ringworm: Use the extract directly on the skin, twice a day and expect to see relief in one month.
- For teeth whitening: Crush 10-15 leaves and the rind of one orange together. Use this mixture as a tooth cleaner and expect to see results in one week.