Eye Infections
There are different kinds of eye infections and it is crucial that you make sure you follow some of these remedies that can help make your eyes healthy. This list also contains amazing first-aid methods, making it perfect for emergencies.
Home remedies for Eye Infections
*P lace a drop of castor oil or egg white in the infected eye.
* Home Remedies for Night Blindness
* If you suffer from night blindness or have difficulty seeing in dim light, make sure you add 200 milligram of cranberries to your diet to help improve the blood flow on your eye. Maintain a balanced diet is also a great way to ensure you are getting enough nutrition, thus significantly improving your eye sight in different light levels.
* Home Remedies for Black Eye
* An internal bleed inside the eye cause a blue-black discoloration around the eye. Placing an ice compress on the spot. This can reduce the swelling and can cause the blood vessels to constrict which will stop the bleeding.
* Home Remedies for Itching Eyes
* Washing the eyes with the Euphrasia officinalis plant is great with tired eyes. This can also help ease the infection caused by Conjunctivitis.
* Prepare some green tea and make a cold compress out of it. Put it over your eyes to reduce the swelling and redness.
* Wash your eyes with cold running water.
* Avoid wearing eye makeup during an eye infection and make sure you have clean hands before touching it.
* Soak clean cotton balls in rose water. Place it over the eyes three times a day.
* Soak a cotton ball in aloe vera and gently apply it to the eyes.