Rehmannia root is a very commonly used herb in traditional Chinese medicine. Know as or Di-huang, (earth yellow), prepared rehmannia is used for loss of blood, yin deficiency, lower back pain with kidney deficiency from overwork (it replenishes the vital essence of the kidneys),lumbago, cough, hectic fever, diabetes, urinary incontinence, deafness, uterine bleeding, vertigo, tinnitus, and for regulating menstrual flow. Rehmannia has astringent properties that make it useful in stopping bleeding. It helps to protect and support the liver and adrenal glands.
- For indigestion, kidney diseases, diabetes, menstruation,incontinence, deafness, uterine bleeding, vertigo, tinnitus, liver diseases Put a handful of dried rehmannia, cardamon, and ginger in a pot of water. Let it boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Drink a cup of this tea whenever needed.
- For bleeding: Put a handful of dried rehmannia in a pot of water. Let it boil and simmer for 20 minutes. Let it cool. Wash the wound to stop bleeding.