
The azulenes in the plant are anti-inflammatory and reduce fevers, and the plant was used in ancient times as an emmenagogue, but is no longer used that way, and should be avoided in pregnancy. Small doses of wormwood tea taken before meals can stimulate digestion and prevent heartburn and gas, even boost energy. As the name implies, wormwood is a powerful worming agent that has been used for hundreds of years to expel tapeworms, threadworms, and especially roundworms from dogs, cats, humans and other animals. Although wormwood makes like miserable for parasites, it is not kind to the host. Wormwood is a common ingredient in many herbal “cleansing” formulations. If you suspect you or you child has been infested with worms, it really is best to seek medical help, rather that rely on home cures.

  • For indigestion, constipation, gas, intestinal worms and parasites: Wormwood is extremely strong and bitter. It is advisable that you drink half cup of wormwood tea, before eating meals, only when needed.
  • For fever, flu, influenza: Drink wormwood tea in small doses during high fevers.