Sinusitis (or inflammation of sinus) is a condition that consists of an inflamed sinus, particularly on the linings of the mucous membrane. You will experience sneezing, runny nose, slight fever, headache, and watery eyes. Here are some home remedies that you can do to treat the swelling.
Home remedies for Sinusitis
* Combine carrot juice, beet juice, cucumber juice, and spinach juice in one glass of water. Drink this concoction every morning and every night.
* Drink a cup of mint tea twice a day.
* Prepare fenugreek tea and drink a cup of this four times a day.
* Boil some water mixed with eucalyptus or mint oil. Deeply breathe in the steam to clear your sinus.
* Drink a lot of water and orange juice.
* Drink a cup of ginger tea mixed with cinnamon three times a day.