Phlegm and Sputum
Phlegm and sputum are accumulated mucous that can be very difficult to get rid of since it is extremely sticky and viscous. This is the reason why a person coughs uncontrollably and sniffs due to colds that can weaken your immune system. This is usually accompanied by a serious headache and a slight running fever which can cause a lot of hassles in your daily chores and routine. Here are some effective remedies that can quickly relieve you from this stubborn phlegm.
Home remedies for Phlegm and Sputum
• Puree an onion, add some honey, and eat a tablespoon three times a day to get rid of phlegm.
• Grate a pear and eat a three times a day to remove all stubborn and sticky phlegm in children and adults.
• Mix half a teaspoon of ginger, cloves, and cinnamon. Sprinkle it with a glass of boiling water, stir, and strain. Add honey if you want to sweeten it up a bit. Drink a cup of this solution twice a day.
• Combine a tablespoon of honey with a dash of white pepper to loosen the mucous.
• Drink a cup of ginger tea four times a day for a week.
• Drinking raspberry or honey suckle iced tea every morning and night for three days can greatly help treat your cough.
• Mix two tablespoons of honey in a cup of freshly squeezed orange juice every morning and before going to sleep.
• Gargle and rinse your mouth with a cup of warm water mixed with two tablespoons of iodized salt to kill all bacteria causing germs.
• Add a tablespoon of honey in ¼ glass of vodka or brandy. Drink straight up before sleeping.